Monday, April 19, 2010

The use of DID or DIDN`T for Form 5

Exercise 1
Exercise 2.
Exercise 3.
Positive sentences.
Negative sentences.
The Past Simple verb game.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Adjectives- Comparative Superlative.

See, what are ADJECTIVES+ a QUIZ?
How to form comparative forms- A SONG!

Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3-
Exercise 4.
Exercise 5.
Exercise 6.
Comparatives- exercise.
Comparatives- more exercises.
Compare movie stars!
Compare cars!
Another exercise.
And another exercise.
Word order exercise.
Choose the correct form of the word.
Compare the characters and situations.
The last exercise :)

Adjective GAME 1.
Adjective Hangman- GAME 2.
Adjective GAME 3.
Comparative and superlative basketball.
Superlatives catcher.